Contact Us

How to Contact CollegePace Directly?

To stay connected with our users and visitors, we have created this page to leave relevant information on how to contact us if you have all pertinent matters you want more information about.

We want to be clear on the subjects that warrant you to contact us to avoid poor response from our customer care center. All this is to serve you better well.

Matters to Contact Us for?

  1. Information/ Suggestion.
  2. Questions.
  3. Sponsored Posts/Adverts.

1. Information/Suggestion: If you have any relevant information that you wish to share with other students, then contact us. Also, if you have any suggestions on improving the quality of our services and content, also reach us.

2. Questions: If there are relevant questions you couldn’t find the answers to on our portal, then feel free to reach us using the contact information below.

3. Sponsored Posts/Adverts: We accept sponsored posts and run adverts for individuals or organizations wanting to grow their brands or sell their products. If you wish to contact us regarding sponsored posts or adverts, use the contact information at your disposal.

Our Contact Address?

  1. Email Address OR
  2. Phone Number

1. Email Address: You can easily send your Information/Suggestion, question, Sponsored Posts/Adverts notice to

2. Phone Number: Reaching us via phone can be very difficult as we are still working on making it possible to respond as fast as possible. Nevertheless, if you must contact us via phone, you should also be informed that you will be charged airtime for your calls by your service providers. The phone number to call if you want to reach us via our mobile phone number is +234814404464*.

Despite providing you with our mobile number, we will be glad if you use the email address to reach us for a quick response. We will update this page if we resolve the issues with our mobile phone.